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Canada is Still Our Favourite

Malorie Leonetti, Marketing Coordinator at NMI

Over the past nine months, we have had the privilege of traveling the globe with one of our incredible clients Microsoft and assisting with their large-scale global readiness program known as Microsoft Ignite | The Tour Since the fall, our team has traveled to 12 countries, walked through 20 airports and spent 293 hours on planes. To give you a sense of how crazy that is, it’s the equivalent of 37 full workdays above the clouds! We have experienced new cultures and landmarks, toured around some of the most magical places in the world and met people from all walks of life. No matter how breathtaking or lifechanging the trip was, our team came back with one consistent piece of feedback – they are so grateful to be Canadian.

If you’re a traveler, you know the moment when someone asks where you’re from and you respond with “Canada”. All of a sudden, they look at you like you’re an enchanted unicorn (I mean, there is one on our Coat of Arms) - this marvelous creature from the land of maple syrup, ice rinks and impeccable manners. You know the stereotypes, and you can’t help but take pride in them. You’re not alone in feeling that “can’t help but smile, stand together” pride – if you’ve ever been to a Canadian sporting event and during the national anthem heard the crowd sing “true north strong and free” at the top of their lungs followed by cheering, you get it.

Here are a few things that we appreciate more about Canada after spending so many weeks away.

We’re a Tossed Salad

We’ve said it before, and we will say it again - Canada is an awesome tossed salad. Think about when you’re making a salad, all the ingredients you add to give it the flavour you want. That is Canada. There are so many different pieces, people and places that make this place so special. Canada celebrates differences, we welcome diversity and all cultures. We don’t try to create an ideal, cookie cutter Canadian. You do you!

We Believe in Progress

Traveling to other countries makes you realize just how progressive Canada truly is on the world stage. Canada stands as a model of how different cultures can live and work together in peace, prosperity and mutual respect. In 2019, it’s very sad to see that some groups still don’t have the freedom to be who they are in their own home country. Here, we try to ensure that every person feels like they belong – can you name a nation that Toronto doesn’t have a “Little” of? Doubt it. The immortal Jane Fonda said, “when I’m in Canada, this is what I feel the world should be like.” We agree with you, Jane. And what ever happened to the workout videos?

How About That View?

No matter what kind of atmosphere you’re into, Canada has it. From the high rises[NC1] to the oceans, over to the mountain tops, flatlands or the great lakes – everyone can find a place to find call home or start a business. You can surf, stampede or sled right here. Top that off with our wildlife, as seen on our currency, and you have a pretty unbeatable country.

Don’t get us wrong, we love all the other countries we’ve visited and the whole team will continue to get the travel fever after only a few days of being home from their last trip but there is something about coming back to such a strong armed country that makes us beam with Canadian pride.

Being Canadian is like being part of a big family rooted in love and respect. You will be challenged but always supported. You are free to be whoever you want to be. If you’re not Canadian and are reading this feeling a little envious, come visit! Someone will surely hold the door open for you.

Happy Canada Day, friends! Play safe.

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