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The Perks of Travelling for Work

Malorie Leonetti, Marketing Coordinator at NMI

Travelling for work is a bitter sweet experience. There tends to be a lot of waiting in airports, 18-hour work days, fast food runs and skype calls home to the fam – however, the perks far outweigh the challenges.

One of the great things about our business is the amount of travel we get to experience and though, it is usually quick trips, they always end up being a wild time. Here are some of our favourite work travel perks:


If you travel for work, you know you end up in some cities, ones that you probably had no intention of visiting on your own dime but when the boss man is paying – you soak it up and enjoy it!

You get to see a new side of the city. In our experience, we see less of the tourist traps and more of the local experience because we are usually connecting with a team that works out of there.


The food is always a favourite. Almost everywhere you travel is known for something and getting to eat New York pizza in NYC, fresh pasta in Rome or authentic donair in Halifax is an incredible and if you take food as seriously as us, life changing experience.


Hola! Traveling is one of the best ways to make new friends. People tend to be in the same boat as you, alone and on a journey in need of some dinner company OR there are a local and want to show you all the amazing things about their city.

Regardless, it forces you outside of your comfort zone and before you know it, you’re exchanging numbers with the stranger in the elevator. Also – when you come back later in life, you have someone to hangout with!


Does anyone else find they sleep better on business trips? Maybe it’s the hustle and bustle of your day or the fact that you aren’t wrestling with your SO over blankets all night but OMG the hotel beds and all the pillows feel like a vacation alone.

You get to travel on someone else’s dollar and it doesn’t eat into your vacation days! Despite working the whole time you’re away there is a sense of escape and getting away from reality and it's a wonderful feeling.


I don’t know about you but free is me and absolutely, I will enjoy every second of exploring somewhere new when it doesn’t cost a thing. Traveling is expensive and vacation days are hard to come by – enjoy the mental health break and rock the new place.

Safe travels, work friends! Come back with some awesome stories 😊

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