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New Year, New Goals!

Malorie Leonetti, Marketing Coordinator at NMI

HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2017 was an amazing year for NMI and we are so excited to see what the new year has in store for us all personally and professionally.

One thing I've noticed over the past few days is how much people struggling with setting and sticking to resolutions (myself included...) So, I have put together a sure-fire way to tackle everything I need to in 2018 and thought I would share:

Can We Stop Calling it a Resolution, Please?

Don't ask me why but I really hate that word. It just sounds like you're setting yourself up for failure and that you're just jumping on the New Year bandwagon because it's what you're "supposed to do" – what if we call it goal setting instead? Instead of saying "in 2018, I'm going to quit _______) try in "in 2018 I'm going to try to accomplish x, y, z."

Let's be Realistic

For real though... Be honest with yourself and set goals that are attainable. You are not going to lose 70lbs in 30 days and you are not going to become CEO of your company over night. Look at the bigger picture and then figure out what you can actually accomplish in the given 365 days. (IE. Develop a diet and exercise plan that is enjoyable and works for your schedule, get to work 30 minutes earlier to give yourself more working time, take 5 minutes a day to be good to yourself)

Break it Down

This year, I broke my goals into categories: Mind, body, professionally and relationship. This has helped me to stop looking at my goals as a long to do list and to see how each goal plays an important piece of the next 365 days. Some of my goals are as simple as; limiting screen time at night, finishing one book this year and attending one networking event per month.

Be Accountable

Find a way to hold yourself responsible for making your goals happen. Start a group chat with friends to check in frequently, start a new tradition of scheduling a meeting with your best buddy for the end of December to recap everything that you've checked off and to goal set for the next year.

Focus on Progress

If you're a fellow perfectionist, this is going to be challenging. I am forcing myself to focus on the progress I am making instead of perfection. It is too easy to get wrapped up in how things aren't going 100% according to plan or that you aren't seeing results after two weeks but stick with it and focus on how far you have come.

Hopefully these tips help you as much as they have helped me so far in 2018 and we can make it the year to achieve what we want most! Here’s to an amazing year to come

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